IT consultancy
Itelica have been advising organisations on how to best use information technology to meet their business objectives since 2002. Because we have clients from a wide range of business sectors and industries including food manufacturers and wholesalers, architects, financial advisors, environmental service providers, freight companies, estate agents, mortgage advisors, printers, packaging suppliers, chemical companies, supermarkets and more we have experience of implementing IT solutions accross a variety of industry sectors.
By analysing our client's business processes and listening to their requirements we are able to help them improve productivity, reduce operating costs and become more effective at serving their customers. Much of the consultancy work we do revolves around the automating of repetitive tasks that are currently done manually and as such are both time consuming and costly. We work closely with other specialists and providers to help us replace these manual tasks with automated processes. The cost of replacing manual systems with automated systems is often recouped within 12 months of the new systems going live. Thereafter it is entirely money saved, boosting your profits.
We also provide consultancy in systems procurement, deployment, integration and development, helping our clients make value-based decisions that offer real benefits to their business. In addition, we are happy to manage IT projects and liaise with third parties on our client's behalf to ensure these projects are completed successfully and objectives are met.